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Studentul Roman Strijkov. Destinul unui „admirator al Sfântului Siluan”

Fotografie din Mănăstirea Sf. Panteleimon (septembrie 1933):
1. Cuviosul Siluan Athonitul († 1938); 2. Monahul Casian Korepanov; 3. Ierodiacon (pe atunci) Sofronie Saharov, ucenicul și biograful Cuviosului Siluan, ctitorul Mănăstirii Cinstitului Înaintemergător de la Essex, UK († 1993); 4. Monahul Vasili Krivoşein, viitor Arhiepiscop de Bruxelles († 1985); 5. Admirator al preacuviosului Siluan, Studentul Roman Strijkov († 1995).

Vezi și: O fotografie rară cu Sfântul Siluan Athonitul împreună cu Părintele Sofronie Saharov (1933). [update: Chipul Starețului Siluan, de Arhim. Sofronie]

Roman Strijkov (ieromonahul Siluan Strijkov) (1911 – 1995), orfan, din numărul de refugiați care studiază în Athena și Belgrad. Student, așadar, la vremea întâlnirii cu Sfântul Siluan la Athos (identificat cu nr. 5 în poza de la Athos), mai târziu devine preot slujitor și arhimandrit, rector al bisericii Sf. Nicolae de la Casa Rusă din Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois.

În a treia poză – „o vizită la Paris a Ierarhului Antonie Bloom” – Roman Strijkov (Arhim. Siluan Strijkov) apare al 5-lea de la stânga la dreapta, cu brâu roșu și purtător de cruce (

În a patra poză, de la stânga la dreapta, Ieromonahul Siluan (Strijkov) apare al doilea – în spate (

În a 5-a poză, de la dreapta la stânga, Ieromonahul Siluan (Strijkov) apare pe rândul din față, al treilea.

Despre întrega sa viață și interviu citiți aici:

În anul 1991 a dat câteva interviuri pentru Filmul: „Banca lui Siluan” al cărui protagonist este:

„Banca lui Siluan” Скамейка Силуана (video):

Un film dedicat Ieromonahului Siluan (Strijkov): tânărul cu „nr. 5” din poza de la Athos cu Sfântul Siluan Athonitul și Cuviosul Sofronie, care a ajuns peste ani Ieromonahul Siluan (Strijkov) la Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois din Paris. Fotografii, viața de zi cu zi, interviu cu 4 ani înainte de trecerea de la Domnul.
Fragmente din video, traduse în limba engleză, mai jos!

Mulțumim fratelui Vasile Călin Drăgan pentru îngăduința de a posta din descoperirile sale pe blogul nostru dedicat iubitorilor Muntelui Athos.

Notă: Ghilimele din titlul postării au funcția de citat si nu cea de dublu înțeles. În descrierea fotografiei studentul Roman este numit – Admirator al preacuviosului Siluan (n. edit.).

From min. 15: 36 : „Somehow in search of the answer to many questions I have gone to the Panteleimonovsky Russian monastery on Athos … A lot of negative saw, I saw a lot of small vanity, as well as at all people. The same people as we, only in search of something, and bring with ourselves the same nature, which at each person become monks.
And here I think: „Why I have arrived here? I am full beautiful, consolatory church services, but there is no living word”. And here, in such sad mood I left gate of the monastery and thought of that why I have arrived here. Suddenly calls some voice to me. I raise the head, I look – the gray-bearded monk, pleasantly smiles, the nice person. And, above all, has distorted me, I had such feeling that he has spotted, has read my thoughts with which I went. That minute it was very unpleasant. He addresses me:
– And what does it mean – to keep wisdom?
I have shrugged shoulders, interrogatively I look at him.
– To keep wisdom is not to accept thoughts. Thoughts, it is not thoughts. Thoughts are a condition of disappointment, spiritual weight…
It was the answer to my state with these gloomy thoughts.
– The wisdom consists in denying thoughts. That is not to accept these the heavy, confusing soul thoughts.
He has very much calmed, has consoled my soul for the rest of life. When I took monkhood 11 years later (Saint Silvanus the Athonite wasn’t alive any more). I have arrived to Athos again, I was named there, in memory his Siluan named.”

We never know how each soul is adjusted. And what strings one soul will touch at another. The more people it will be understood and to help to go each other to this light, the more they will unite. Someone from Saints said: „Than closer to the Sun, those beams of the Sun are closer to each other”. But it, of course, simple comparison. And without comparison it is only possible to tell that the only thing that it is possible to wish to each person that he looked for justifications of this life. Also you know, soul can die of a grief, for fear, of hopelessness, and the God’s Favour, sometimes through prayers can pull out them. Difficultly for each person to overcome the bad tendencies. And why these bad tendencies are left by God on freedom of the person? If to take away this gift of mental freedom, a gift of freedom to do good not only, but also evil from the person, then we will be as if pleasant kitties and doggies, but we will have no Image and God’s Similarity. And God looks not for slaves, but People free. The free people who have chosen a way of good. Freely fallen in love good. Good, as the highest sense of this life.
Without justification of those tests, any person will never speak as Christ spoke. Briefly: „There is no greater love than this: that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Not obligatory in the war from the fire of the person to pull out. It is possible to help every day. To forgive, understand. To judge by itself as it is difficult to overcome dark sides. You know, a prayer, it as a lightning. As a lightning which flies up into the sky about some person. It is necessary that heart of each person has touched the Evangelical Word.

– The father Siluan, what it is possible to wish to Russians in this hard time?
– This most. Because society consists of separate souls. And the more separate souls will understand it, the more people will unite in it. The more these people, these souls it will appear in all the people, the stronger it will affect. Preachers whom I heard touched soul of the person, and this most important – to find a key to each soul. And in each soul different locks and each soul on a unique lock it is closed”.